Intuitive Eating Vs Mindful Eating: What is the Difference in Nutrition and Diet?

intuitive eating vs mindful eating support level time rules hunger health enjoy

Intuitive Eating Vs Mindful Eating Intuitive Eating and Mindful Eating are two different approaches to managing one’s relationship with food and body image. While they share some similarities, they also have distinct differences. Intuitive Eating Intuitive Eating is a non-diet approach to food that emphasizes listening to one’s body’s hunger and fullness cues, rather than […]

Can Eating the Same Thing Everyday Be Bad for a Healthy Body?

should you eat the same thing every day

One of the biggest daily drags is having to figure out what to eat. Not only does it require researching different ingredients and meal inspiration, but also heading out to the shop and taking time out of your day to get it cooked. This is why you could be forgiven for just choosing to eat […]

Healthy Living- Fuel Your Body With What it Needs and Wants

why is it important to fuel your body

In today’s modern world, the average individual is bombarded with overwhelming signs from all angles to consume junk food.  Roadside billboards tower high with huge adverts featuring fast-food burger chains, social media, and television channels are riddled with junk food marketing campaigns. And, some of the cheapest and most accessible foods in grocery stores are […]

Good vs. Bad Carbohydrates : What You Should Know

good carbs vs bad carbs complex foods fiber grain

Carbohydrates are an essential energy source and needed in any diet if you want to maintain good health. The human body converts carbs into glycogen (or sugar in non-scientific terms), which in turn supplies the energy needed for normal bodily function.  Natural, unrefined complex carbohydrates, such as fruit, starchy vegetables, beans, and whole grains are […]

What is Clean Eating?

Can a personal chef help with clean eating

What Is Clean Eating and What Does It Mean? What is clean eating, you might be asking yourself? It’s a valid question, considering all the conflicting information on what constitutes clean eating. The definition of clean eating can differ depending on who you ask, but in general, it refers to consuming whole, unprocessed foods that […]

Need Help Staying on Track With Healthy Eating?

healthy diet plan

Best Ways to Staying on Track With Healthy Eating A healthy diet is vital for good mental well-being and physical health. It will fuel your body with all the essential nutrients it needs to enable your body to function properly, support your immune system, keep you feeling strong, and protect you from developing health conditions.  […]

Food as Medicine: What You Should Know

what does food is medicine mean

What You Should Know About Using Food as Medicine Food is often only considered when it comes to weight, but did you know the food that you eat can impact your overall health?  Food is a powerful tool that can be used to boost your well-being and mental health. It can also help prevent many […]

Improve Your Health One Meal at a Time

How to Improve Your Health Improving your health is a legitimate aim that many of us have. But trying to stick to strict diets is often unsustainable, and that’s not going to aid your health and wellness in the long term. That’s why it’s much better for you to simply take it one meal at […]

Tips on Maintaining a Healthy Diet With Proper Nutrition

How to Maintain a Healthy Diet A balanced diet consisting of good carbs, proteins, and fats can help you feel energized throughout the day. However, the key is finding the right balance. Too many carbs and not enough protein can lead to weight gain, low energy levels, and moodiness. Too many fats and not enough […]

Information and Tips for Healthy Living

When was the last time you considered your health? Many people consider healthy living on January 1st, and then they put healthy living away until the next event, the next new year. If you can’t imagine your own healthy lifestyle, you might not be living the best one you could be possibly living. Your body […]